George Robinson

2149 days ago

Julie Meyer – now about the alleged theft from Taggstar when you were the sole director & paying Rachel Lowe

Taggstar is a company that, the joke ACE Fund run by Julie “lingere on expenses” Meyer MBE invested in and which – according to her lie packed fraudulent “private & confidential” begging email of 29 April 2018  (see HERE) was one of ACE’s hottest prospects, a "winner". Of course you and I know that it went into administration in July 2016. But it gets worse, because until her contract was “terminated” on 28 March 2016 Ms lingerie on expenses was the sole director of Taggstar.

Meyer’s successor George Robinson had to restate accounts signed off by Julie for the year to September 30 2015, and within months had to wind up the company. He stated to the administrator that there had been fraud on the Meyer watch and specifically that Taggstar company funds were “misappropriated and used to fund Ariadne Capital Limited”.
